sustainable agriculture
by improving biodiversity
through technology
and artificial intelligence

the soil
what does abit
Abit allows you to dig deeper into the ecosystem and understand the health of soil. Abit turns soil into a powerful ally for farmers to mitigate the effects of climate change, improve agricultural production and achieve environmental sustainability goals.
Abit combines cutting edge technologies and field experience to design a roadmap for measuring and implementing biodiversity. Starting from a simple soil sample through a comprehensive biodiversity analysis, Abit provides accurate information on soil quality and defines long-term strategies for sustainable agricultural success.
Abit, through a scientifically validated index, provides the tools to make interventions not only effective, but also cost-effective in line with farmers’ needs.
The certification allows farmers to add further value to their products, an unprecedented and distinctive element in an increasingly competitive and sustainability-conscious market.
Abit allows companies to get ahead of the curve and report clearly, comprehensively and comprehensively on their ongoing commitment to environmentally sustainable development in line with leading sustainability reporting standards.

A common goal
with just a sample
The only software for direct measurement of soil biodiversity

why choose abit
Fighting climate change
Enhance communication
With a simple, impactful index and set of indicators, you can visualize the biodiversity level of one of Earth’s most complex ecosystems. This makes it easier to communicate and track decision-making outcomes for all types of stakeholders.
Soil carbon is both a resource and an opportunity. It’s essential for ensuring production quality and supporting vital ecosystem services. Leveraging regenerative agriculture to boost carbon capture in soil offers a promising future income stream for the industry.